Aygun Muradli lectured Croatian students

Aygun Muradli, lecturer of the Social Work Organization Department, participated in educational process at University of Dubrovnik in Croatia in April as part of the “Erasmus+ Staff Mobility” exchange program. Aygun Muradli delivered the lectures to students of this University on “Basic economic ideas and resource allocation”, “Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the global economy”, “Gender equality and economic growth: a cross-country analysis”, “Participation of people with disabilities in the digital economy”, “Cultural Diversity, Intercultural Competence, Tolerance, and the Economy”.  

It should be noted that the “Erasmus+” exchange program carries out the exchange of students, academic and administrative staff between partner universities. Students can improve their communication and language skills by studying abroad within as part of the program, and acquire a number of important skills for their future working life. The program also provides short-term participation of teaching staff in the educational process in higher educational institutions of foreign countries.

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