A seminar on "The Reality of the 21st Century and Contemporary American Literature" was held at the Azerbaijan University

A seminar on

15 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 3907

The seminar was held on the topic of "XXI century realities and mode contemporary rn American literature" by moderator Ulviya Rahimova, Head of Azerbaijani language and literature department and Gismet Rustamov, poet, essayist and head of website. The seminar focused on the trends in contemporary world literature, directions in the XXI century American literature and leading themes, radical paradigm change, search for forms.

Cultural-moral separation in American society as it is in the whole Western world coincides with the beginning of the twentieth century. This separation is associated with the isolation of the individual from the "atomizing" society and the antagonistic nature of the alienation. However, in order for these processes to come to an end, and to expose themselves to all horrors, historic processes required a global catastrophe that led mankind. The First World War was such a universal catastrophe. The inadequacy of moral values was reflected in the psychological state of yesterday's soldiers who returned from the war industry and in the incarnation of this situation in artistic literature.

At the end, discusion was held around the topic and the participants' questions were answered. The event was attended by professors and teachers of the department and master students studying on the specialty of Literary Studies (American Literature).

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