Traditional scientific seminar of the Department of Azerbaijan language and literature continues its work

Traditional scientific seminar of the Department of Azerbaijan language and literature continues its work

16 november 2017

Baxış sayı: 4817

The traditional scientific seminar on "Actual problems in contemporary literary aesthetics thinking" under the Department of Azerbaijan language and literature of Azerbaijan University continues its activity. The seminar is laid by professor Gorkmaz Guliyev, Doctor of Philological Sciences.

This week's discussion theme was “The simulacrum and its analysis in modern literary aesthetics”. The concept of the notion of "simulacre” and its development stages since Plato have been analyzed by the participants and French philosopher Jan Bodriyar's work "Simulacre and simulation" was discussed in the seminar.   

It should be noted that up to now 3 books as teaching aids have been granted to masters, doctoral students, as well as,  researchers conducting investigation into the relevant fields as a result of the traditional scientific seminars organized by the department.

The coursebook named "Leading Currents in the 20th Century American Literature Studies" is the first contribution of the seminar. The book contains detailed information about the mythological school and the new critics in American literature. The second book is called "20th Century Western Literature Concepts". The book aims at forming systematic information about the Western literary-artistic process in the reader. The third book is called "The world's famous literary scholars." Leading authors of literary-aesthetic trends turned into a major driving force of the literary-artistic process in the twentieth century systematically reviewed for the first time and presented to readers in the book jointly prepared by professor Korkmaz Guliyev and Associate Professor Ulviya Ragimova, PhD in Philology.

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