The winners of the essay competition "The Republic of Azerbaijan is the successor of the ADR" were awarded

The winners of the essay competition

24 may 2018

Baxış sayı: 3797

The winners of the essay competition "The Republic of Azerbaijan is the successor of the ADR" among the students of Azerbaijan University within the framework of the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic were awarded with the certificate. The I year student of master degree on specialty of American Literature Ilhama Zalova took the first place, the second year student of bachelor degree on the specialty of the Azerbaijani language and literature Farana Mikayilova second, and the 1st year student of the Marketing specialty Leyla Adilzadeh took the third place.

The certificates were presented to the students by the Head of the Department of the Azerbaijani Language and Literature, Associate Professor Ulviya Rahimova. The Head of the Department informed about the purpose of the competition, presented articles and evaluation criteria, and congratulated the winners.

Note that the main purpose of the competition is to study and propagate the history of our statehood and republican values, to reveal the talents and abilities of the students in the field of literary creativity.

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