Azerbaijan University was awarded at the presentation of master`s degree program on youth affairs

Azerbaijan University was awarded at the presentation of master's degree program on youth affairs

17 october 2019

Baxış sayı: 3153

At the presentation ceremony of "The 1st Master's Program on Youth Sector Management and Youth Policy", Azerbaijan University was awarded a plaque for its contribution to the development of this program. The program launched in 2018 envisages the training of highly qualified personnel for youth policy and youth affairs. At the ceremony held at the Baku Congress Center,  Azerbaijan University was represented by teachers of the Department of Social Work Aygun Musayeva and Vusal Abdullayev.

This program, developed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in close cooperation with the Ministries of Education, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, reflects the best experience of Estonia, The United Kingdom, Malta, Russia, Australia and Finland in this area, and the forms of the experience that were adapted to the local condition. All practical sections of the program were developed by local experts, led by UNICEF international experts.

Azerbaijan University also participated in the preparation of the recommended curriculum of the master's program. The University Department of Social Work made the preparations of the curriculum of the program. Teachers of the department Vusal Abdullayev and Aygun Musayeva participated in training for trainers on youth sector management and youth policy.

Speeches made by Minister of Youth and Sports Azad Rahimov, UNICEF Representative to the Republic of Azerbaijan Edward Carwardine, Deputy Minister of Education Firudin Gurbanov and Rector of the Academy of Public Administration Urkhan Alakparov were listened at the event. It was noted that Azerbaijan is one of 10 countries in the world and the first  in the South Caucasus and Central Asia in having master's degree program on youth management.

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