Opportunities for Co-operation have been discussed between Azerbaijan University and Kuala Lumpur University

Opportunities for Co-operation have been discussed between Azerbaijan University and Kuala Lumpur University

13 april 2017

Baxış sayı: 4122

Azanam Shah Hashim, the vice-rector of Kuala Lumpur University and Sayrul Izvan Safi, the dean of the School of Industrial Technology have visited at Azerbaijan University. Opportunities for Co-operation between universities, implementation of student ex-change programs and other important issues have been discussed in the meeting.

Seadet Aliyeva, the rector of Azerijan University informed the guests about Azerbaijan University. The rector noted that,  Azerbaijan University pays special attention to expanding of international cooperation and participation in exchange programs.

The guests noted that the university they present makes efforts  to colloborate  with the prestigious universities of Azerbaijan. With 26 thousands students, The Koala Lumpur University is one of the leading universities which trains  specialists in Industrial Technology.

Baxtiyar Badalov, the head of International Relations of Azerbaijan University; Vusal Hasanov, the dean of the School of Business and Economics and the dean of the School of IT also participated in the meeting.    

Public Relations Department