Azerbaijan University is preparing for institutional accreditation

Azerbaijan University is preparing for institutional accreditation

06 october 2022

Baxış sayı: 8674

Azerbaijan University plans to implement its institutional accreditation. Futhermore, activities aimed at achieving international accreditation of specialties have also been started.

Rector of the university Mrs. Saadat Aliyeva met with Guliyash Niyazova, project manager of Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) of Kazakhstan for this purpose. A presentation was made to the rector about the activities of the agency and its work, as well as discussions were held on achieving international accreditation of Azerbaijan University in various directions at the meeting attended by Afiga Batiyeva, head of Methodology and Textbook Monitoring Department of the State Examination Center,.

It should be noted that IAAR,, which started its activity in 2011, carries out accreditation of higher education institutions in various directions, including institutional accreditation, accreditation of educational programs. The agency is one of the leading international accreditation organizations for quality assurance in education.

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