Azerbaijan University offers a dual degree program for master’s level

Azerbaijan University offers a dual degree program for master’s level

21 may 2020

Baxış sayı: 2813

Azerbaijan University offers two-cycle degree program with Kharkov National Radioelectronics University of Ukraine at the master’s level.The program covers specialities of computer science and computer engeneering.

Students willing to participate in the dual degree program are selected through a competition.

Master’s students accepted for the program will study at Azerbaijan University in the first academic year and in the second academic year at Kharkov National Radioelectronics University of Ukraine.Students with an average success rate of not less than 81 can participate after the first academic year.Duration of study is 2 years.Subjects are taught in two languages:english and russian. In order to graduate,master’s students must collect 120 credit points under ECTS (European credit transfer system).The evaluation system is implemented according to the requirements of the Bologna system.Students who successfully complete their education will be awarded a master’s degree in the relevant speciality and diplomas of higher education institutions.It should be noted that,Kharkov National Radioelectronics University of Ukraine ,which teaches all specialities related to information technology,radio engeneering and electronics is in the top five in Europe in the field of cyber security and information technology.The memorandum was signed between universities.The dual degree program is based on a memorandum.

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