Azerbaijan University conducts admission to master’s degree in 2 new specialties

Azerbaijan University conducts admission to master’s degree in 2 new specialties

05 july 2023

Baxış sayı: 957

Two new specializations have been added to the Master’s degree admission plan for 2023/2024 academic year of Azerbaijan University, which annually takes new steps towards meeting the needs of the business world for specialists who meet modern challenges. Thus, starting from the new academic year, personnel trainings will be launched in the directions of “Personnel management” and “Management (by fields)” of the 26th program. Admission to the newly created specializations will be carried out both for Azerbaijani and English sections.

Azerbaijan University has wide opportunities with its appropriate material and technical base, research and academic staff, scientific and methodological potential for the preparation of masters in the proposed specializations. In total, 20 positions have been allocated for these specializations in the admission plan. Admission is carried out by state order of the State Examination Center and on a fee basis. For those who entered on a paid basis, the annual tuition fee is 2,000 manats for the Azerbaijani section and 2,200 manats for the English section.

Master’s degree admission plan for 2023/2024 academic year of Azerbaijan University can be found by clicking on the link:

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