Azerbaijan University provides career support to its graduates

Azerbaijan University provides career support to its graduates

26 april 2018

Baxış sayı: 5333

Azerbaijan University Career Center provides advisory services and career guidance to senior students' career planning, prepare them for the business world. Organizational and awareness-raising activities are being carried out to address employment problems of the university graduates, and trainings, workshops, career days are organized. The Center also informs the students and graduates of existing vacancies in the local job market and supports them in their work life by referring them to job vacancies.

Along with the University's career planning strategy, the graduates are employed at the university, work as a teacher, as well as work in various positions of the structural units.  Ayten Alieva, a graduate of social work speciality, began her career as an assistant teacher at “Oxbridge Academy”, represetative of the world's leading educational and training company Pearson in Azerbaijan, as well as one of the local partners of Azerbaijan University.

Being one of the  selected students for her abilities and skills Ayten Aliyeva always works on improving herself, wishes to deeply absorb the subtleties of the chosen field, believes that the most accurate time for personal development is the years of studentship. She studied both semesters of the 2013/2014 academic year at Lund University, Sweden in the framework of the Lineage-Palme project.

We congratulate our graduate for completing all stages of the recruitment process successfully and wish her success in business life!

Public Relations Department