Azerbaijan University held business meetings at the International Education Exhibition

Azerbaijan University held business meetings at the International Education Exhibition

13 october 2019

Baxış sayı: 3104

Bakı Ekspo Mərkəzində keçirilən 13-cü Azərbaycan Beynəlxalq Təhsil sərgisi “EduExpo”da öz stendi ilə təmsil olunan Azərbaycan Universiteti yerli və xarici universitetlərin nümayəndələri ilə işgüzar görüşlər keçirib.

Azerbaijan University held business meetings with local and foreign universities representing its stand at the 13th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition “Edu Expo” that was organized at Baku Expo Center.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to Azerbaijan Vladislav Kanevsky and vice-rector of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Murad Omarov got acquainted with the stand of Azerbaijan University. The Ambassador was informed about the newly launched international dual degree program between universities, as well as about Azerbaijan University in detail. Ambassador Vladislav Kanevsky emphasizes that Ukraine is interested in developing cooperation with Azerbaijani universities and supports all cooperation in science and education.

At the exhibition rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva met with the rector of Tabriz Islamic Azad University of Iran, Aziz Javanpour. During the meeting on the stand of Azerbaijan University, the possibilities of cooperation between universities were discussed.

Maria Zhafyarova, Deputy Minister of Education of the Novosibirsk Region of Russia, Havar Mammadov, rector of Baku Engineering University, Andris Leitas, rector of Western Caspian University, and Ceyhun Mammadov, rector of Azerbaijan Institute of theology visited the university stand and wished success.

Education Expert Kamran Asadov noted that Azerbaijan University is distinguished by its specialism in the field of study and he also added that he closely follows the university activities.

There were graduates, teachers and students of the university, representatives of local and international universities, school principals and teachers, tutors, course managers, industry experts, parents and students, and many entrants among the visitors of the exhibition which was held from October10 to 12.

It should be noted that, 152 educational institutions from 22 countries participated at “Eduexpo 2019” exhibition organized by the Ministry of Education at Baku Expo Center from October 10 to 12. The event was attended by 44 educational institutions of Azerbaijan.

Public Relations Department