Students of Azerbaijan University continues excursion to the Painting Museum

Students of Azerbaijan University continues excursion to the Painting Museum

19 december 2019

Baxış sayı: 2650

The students of Azerbaijan University continue their excursions to the exhibitions in the Painting Museum organized by YARAT Contemporary Art Space. Another group of the students visited the exhibition "Talking Baku: 1900-1940". The students got familiar with the exhibits after a short lecture, succeeded in completing the creative tasks, and addressed their questions to the museum guide.

The exhibition is organized by paintings and graphics stored in the funds of the Azerbaijan National Museum of Art, and the Azerbaijan Museum of Independence, as well as archival documents and manuscripts protected by the National Archives Administration. It presents the contemplation of the era, including paintings and graphic works, including literary examples, archival documents, and chronicles, created from the early twentieth century to the Second World War.

The excursions will last twice a month following the fall semester exam session and the winter holidays until the end of the academic year.

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