The anniversary of the January 20 tragedy was held at Azerbaijan University

The anniversary of the January 20 tragedy was held at Azerbaijan University

19 january 2021

Baxış sayı: 2334

A commemorative ceremony was held at Azerbaijan University on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the January 20 tragedy.The event, held online on the Microsoft Teams platform, focused on the history of the struggle for the restoration of Azerbaijan’s state independence and territorial integrity, and said that the memory of our sons and daughters who died in this success will live forever.

Prof.Yusif Gasimov ,Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of the University,said that the martyrs January 20 gave their lives for the”Land” called Azerbaijan.

Yusif Gasimov noted that about a year and a half after the events of January 20, which were a turning point in the restoration of Azerbaijan’s independence, Azerbaijan regained its independence, formed state institutions, became an actor in international relations, as being a member of political, economic, social and humanitarian international organizations including UN, it has not been able to fully control every inch of its territory and state border until November 10. The realization of the ideas of those who were martyred for them, the guarantee of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was made possible by the victory of our country in the 44 day Civil War.

Head of the Department of Social Sciences ,Prof. Gabil Aliyev gave information about the path and consequences of the events of January 20, 1990.Head of the Department of Finance and Economics Nariman Boyukkishi shared his memories of the night of January 20 with participants of the event.

Tunzala Verdiyeva, Head of the Department of Social Work, spoke about the importance of perpetuating the memory of the martyrs who died for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Aydan Humbatova, a second-course student majoring in Social Work, recited a poem “Martyrs” by B.Vahabzadah.

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