Azerbaijan University holds 3 scientific conferences in 2022

Azerbaijan University holds 3 scientific conferences in 2022

12 january 2022

Baxış sayı: 3283

In 2022, Azerbaijan University plans to hold 3 scientific conferences, 2 international and 1 republic-wide.

The purpose of the V Scientific Conference of Young Researchers, which is planned on April 15, 2022, is to bring together young researchers working in various universities, academies and research institutes of the country and to share their scientific achievements and experiences. Young scientists and researchers will be able to present their theses in the fields of economics, humanities, social sciences and ICT.

The international scientific conference "Ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani people and the issue of national identity" is scheduled for October 28, 2022. The topics of the conference are "Ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani people in the context of ethnic processes in the Caucasus region", "Problems of ethnogenesis in philological thinking", " Philosophical aspects of identity and ethnogenesis", "The issue of national identity in our cultural and artistic monuments".

The international conference "Information Security: problems and prospects" is scheduled jointly with the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics of Ukraine on November 25, 2022.

Topics such as "Basic conceptual directions of information security", "Technological aspects of information security in computer systems", "Information systems security software", "Cryptography". Cryptographic algorithms ”,“ Big data”, "Security problems in cloud technologies", "Computer radio engineering and information security systems", "Cyber security", "Automation of information processing", "Security of information and communication systems", “Management of information security" are going to be discussed at the conference, which has been organized the second time this year.

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