Event devoted to Adil Babayev at Azerbaijan University

Event devoted to Adil Babayev at Azerbaijan University

04 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 4329

Literary-artistic event “Poet is reborn in the date he dies” devoted to poet, translator and dramatist Adil Babayev was held at Azerbaijan University. The event where the university administration, teachers, students and other guests attended, life and creative activity, memories of the poet were shared with participants.

The head of the Azerbaijani language and literature department Ulviyya Rahimova began the event with her speech and emphasized that Adil Babayev was one of the great representatives of Azerbaijan literature who wrote for future and she gave brief information about the poet's life. The head of department mentioned that Adil Babayev never ignored his father's surname who was shot as «people's enemy» during the repression years.

The professor of department Asif Hajiyev noted that literature is not only consisted of plays and poetry, but also literary fates by speaking about Adil Babayev's life which was full of paradox and contradictions of soviet period. By giving information about different periods of the poet's life, Asif Hajiyev mentioned that by including sonet genre into Azerbaijan literature the creative-activity of Adil Babayev reflects the realty together with romantism. Because of his father he was exposed to moral repression and couldn't bring out suitable works for soviet ideology and conjugate. Just for this reason his name was not so popular, but he had very valuable heritage. Being the author of famous songs Adil Babayev was also busy with translation, his works were performed in theatres, great craftsmen wrote their opinions on his works.

The poet Vahid Aziz shared his memories about Adil Babayev with the attendants of the event, spoke about his high spiritual qualities.

Adil Babayev's son, the famous journalist Etibar Babayev noted that each sphere of  his father's many-field creative-activity was the object of research. 3 dissertation, 4 monographs were written, a number of recitals were organized. By thanking for the good opinions about his father Etibar Babayev gave infortion about the diary which remained from his father. By emphasizing that his father's name was eternalized in Baku, Ganja and Nakhchivan, the journalist was thankful to Azerbaijan government.

In the end the telefilm named “Even I'm father I want my father” was demonstrated. The film accompanied with the poems and songs of the poet.

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