AFFA Volunteer Program presentation took place at Azerbaijan University

   AFFA Volunteer Program presentation took place at Azerbaijan University

20 december 2018

Baxış sayı: 4486

The Operation Group, established in connection with the UEFA Europe League final match in Baku, held the next meeting with the students and teachers of Azerbaijan University.  A presentation was displayed in the meeting attended by nearly 150 students and detailed information was given on the planned events of the European League.

AFFA, which is responsible for organizing the event and coordinating UEFA, presented its volunteer program as well. Students participating in the event were informed about the requirements and rules of volunteering in the UEFA Europe League final match in Baku on May 29, 2019.

It was noted that trainings on organizational issues, educational and entertainment courses, special master classes and other similar events are planned within the framework of the program.

It was noted that those, who want to join the volunteer program should fill in the registration form by linking to and by this way will be able to develop their personal qualities and skills, earn international friends and become part of the football world.   The registered applicants will be invited to the interview in February 2019.

Trainings for volunteers, passing the competition will be held in April-May. Trainings will cover 3 different areas, including general training (Games and customer service information), role training (task training), and space training (training on volunteering facilities).

Students who want to be volunteers can send their registration questions  . Detailed information about the volunteer program will be posted on

The presentation was hosted by AFFA Division Manager, Head of the UEFA Champions League 2019 Volunteer Program, Yusif Valiyev and commentator of ATV sports programs Sanan Shafizade.

Public Relations Department