Next traditional chess tournament was held at Azerbaijan University

Next traditional chess tournament was held at Azerbaijan University

07 december 2018

Baxış sayı: 3443

VI traditional chess tournament, dedicated to the memory of national leader Haydar Aliyev, was held at Azerbaijan University today. All students of Azerbaijan University participated in the competition, which was held on the circular system.

The winner of the tournament is Javid Ahmadov, a first-year student studying the Marketing specialty of School of Business and Economics, Niyamaddin Bondorenko, a fourth year student of computer science specialty of the School of Information and Communication Technologies-second place, and Nazrin Ahmedzadeh, a fourth year student of the Finance specialty of the School of Business and Economics took the third place.

The winners were awarded trophies and diplomas.

The competition is organized for the purpose of effective organization of students’ leisure time and increase popularity of chess. 

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