Presentation of anti-plagiarism program was held at Azerbaijan University

Presentation of anti-plagiarism program was held at Azerbaijan University

18 april 2018

Baxış sayı: 4464

Presentation of the "strikeplagiarism" anti-plagiarism system, which is a product of, was held for professor-teacher staff of Azerbaijan University. The presentation was conducted by the colleague of the company Aygun Mammadli.

Opening the event Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of the university, Professor Yusif Gasimov said that protection of intellectual property rights and copyright issues have become more actual with the growth of electronicization and the use of the Internet. The Vice-Rector informed about the moral and ethical aspects of the issue, including the ways of struggling against plagiarism.

Later, the event participants were informed about the activity of company and the working mechanism of the program. It was noted that the company was founded in Poland in 2002. It started to operate in Azerbaijan as a branch in 2015 , and the company cooperates with 15 higher education institutions in the country.

The system that works over the Internet allows to identify transmittion from different texts and the degree of their similarity with the main text.

The event continued with discussions and answering the participants' questions.

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