A scientific seminar on Karabakh in fiction was held at Azerbaijan University

A scientific seminar on Karabakh in fiction was held at  Azerbaijan University

10 march 2022

Baxış sayı: 1376

A scientific seminar on "Karabakh in Fiction" was organized by the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature at Azerbaijan University. The seminar was conducted by Farhad Madatov, associate professor of the department.

It was noted at the scientific seminar that the Karabakh issue is one of the topics that Azerbaijani literature always follows and frequently addresses. Along with the natural beauties, material and spiritual culture of the region, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which surrounds the last 30 years of our history and has risen to the level of the main problem of our society, is reflected in various aspects in the works dedicated to Karabakh.

People's writer Sabir Ahmadli's novel "Love of the Hereafter", People's writer Elchin's "Flag" story, People's poet Samad Vurgun's poem "Azerbaijan" were analyzed at the seminar. The above-mentioned works emphasize the fact that the authors sometimes convey their feelings about the hidden, sometimes overt Karabakh, including Shusha, as a message to future generations, and in general, all our great writers of the Soviet era expressed concern about Karabakh in their works.

It was stated at the event that after our victory in the 44-day war, the Karabakh theme will continue to be the leading theme of fiction for many years.

The seminar ended with a question and answer session.

The scientific seminar was held in order to ensure the implementation of the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 5, 2022 on the proclamation of 2022 as the "Year of Shusha" in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the action plan of the Azerbaijan University within the "Year of Shusha".

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