Azerbaijan University held “Round table” dedicated to International Day of Families

Azerbaijan University held “Round table” dedicated to International Day of Families

15 may 2019

Baxış sayı: 2877

Round table dedicated to May 15- International Day of Families was held and the topic was “ Family values in the context of nationality and modernity”. Naila Ismayilova, head of the “Yeni Hayat’ Humanitarian and Social Support Public Union, Nazakat Balabayova, the independent expert in social work, Aygun Musayeva,  head of the Department of Organisation of Social Work, Zuleykha Najafova, teacher of the Department and junior and senior social work students participated at the event moderated by Tunzala Verdiyeva, headteacher of Department.

At first, participants were informed about the history and importance of the International Day of Families. It was mentioned that the International Day of Families is celebrated annually on May 15th with UN resolution in all over the world. This day is declared with the aim of directing people’s attention to family issues and resolving them. We have been celebrating this Day since 2008.

The notion of family, types, functions and values of family, rights, responsibilities and duties of family members, managing family relations, the role of traditions in the formation of family institutes and issues such as modern problems of family institutes were clarified at the event. The legal aspects of marriage and family relations in the Republic of Azerbaijan were also mentioned, experts and students shared their opinions and discussions on real solutions of the issue were made.

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