Internal chess tournament devoted to the memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev holds at Azerbaijan University

Internal chess tournament devoted to the memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev holds at Azerbaijan University

12 december 2016

Baxış sayı: 6749

The internal Chess Tournament devoted to the memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev has been held  at Azerbaijan University. Besides students, the teaching staff also participated in this year's tournament. 

The teaching staff and students of Business and Economics School actively participated in the competition. Thus, the winner of the tournament among the students was Vugar Mammadov, the third year student majoring in Finance. Ilgar Iskandarov (Management, IV course) was the second place winner and Hussein Dzhabrailov (Public Administration, III course) was the third place winner. All three are the students of the Business and Economics School. Vusal Hasanov, the dean of the faculty was the winner of the competition among the teachers. 

The intense and exciting competition held in the format of olympaid and lasted about 4 hours was attented by the students of all majors and schools. The winners were awarded with cups and certificates. 

The purpose of the traditional tournament was to strengthen friendship relations among the students with keen knowledge and help them to organize their leisure time more efficiently. 

We would like to congratulate all our competition winners!

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