Azerbaijan University celebrates Independence Day

Azerbaijan  University celebrates Independence Day

18 october 2019

Baxış sayı: 3035

On October 18,  Azerbaijan University hosted an event dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the restoration of State Independence. The event, which was attended by the university administration, academic staff and students, began with the playing of the National Anthem of the Azerbaijan Republic.

At the event it was stated that the adoption of the Constitutional Act on the State Independence of Azerbaijan on October 18, 1991 was a great historical event, and the chronicle that made this historical event necessary was looked through. It was noted that the Republic of Azerbaijan, which regained its independence for the second time in the 20th century after the adoption of the Constitutional Act, declared itself the successor of Azerbaijan People's Republic existed for only 23 months in 1918-1920. May 28, 1918, when the Flag, the Coat of Arms, the Anthem of Azerbaijan People's Republic were adopted, and the Declaration of Independence was announced, was proclaimed as the Republic Day.

Regaining and maintaining the independence, also bringing it to the present stage have gone through a very difficult process. During the first years of independence, our country faced severe trials and hardsips. National leader Heydar Aliyev, with his rich political experience and high managerial ability, saved the state independence from  real threats, and Azerbaijan entered a new phase in its development on solid foundations. Our independence is getting stronger today thanks to the successful and multi-vector policy implemented by Mr President Ilham Aliyev.

The event ended with a concert program.

Public Relations Department