A meeting was held with Ajdar Ol at Azerbaijan University

A meeting was held with Ajdar Ol at Azerbaijan University

16 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 4283

The meeting was held with Ajdar Ol, the member of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers, poet, publicist, play writer and translator, for the students of Azerbaijan University. Famous actor and the Honored Artist   Aghalar Bayramov also participated at the meeting arranged by the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature.

Ulviyya Rahimova, the head of the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, Asif Hajiyev, the professor of the same department, Farhad Madatov, the associate professor spoke of wide range of genres and topics in Ajdar Ol’s works in their speeches. They stressed out that, Ajdar Ol is one of the talented and prominent figures in modern Azerbaijani literature. His writing style is simple and understandable both in his poems and works of prose and he impresses his readers with the huge range of uses of Azerbaijani language.

Ajdar Ol dedicated his speech to mission of the creative people. He stated that, the first duty of writers and poets is to protect the intangible values of the nation and pass them down to future generations. They should inspire people to be united to protect these values. And due to this, he praises the motherland in most of his poems.

The Ol’s poems told by Aghalar Bayramov, the Honored Artist were applauded.

The short film named “Usta Yusifin Kamanchası" of which story and scenario belong to Ajdar Ol was also shown at the meeting. The film won “Qızıl Pəri" award in the nomination of the Best Debut in 2015.

At the end Ajdar Ol signed his books and gave as a gift to students and had his photo taken as a souvenir with students.

Public Relations Department