Preliminary debate was held on two dissertation works at Azerbaijan University

Preliminary debate was held on two dissertation works at Azerbaijan University

10 october 2017

Baxış sayı: 5910

Preliminary debate was held on two dissertation works in an open session held today by “Financial and economy” department of Azerbaijan University. Department head, assistant professor Nariman Boyukkishi presided over the session. The department head has introduced candidates to the  participants of the debate and informed about their scientific-pedagogical activity.  

The preliminary debate was held of the dissertation work on the subject of “Priority directions of financing in the field of construction” performed by the doctorate of Azerbaijan University Ughur Azad oglu Babayev in order to get a scientific degree PhD in economy and the dissertation work on the subject of “Role of risk management in ensuring sustainable development of the banking sector” performed by the dissertant of Azerbaijan University Agil Gadir oglu Karimov in order to get a scientific degree PhD in economy.

Candidates provided information about the relevance of the work, the purpose and objectives of the study, the novelty of the work, the theoretical and methodological basis of the research, as well as the work done and the participants were familiarized with the content and the given questions were answered. Later reviewers' comments and suggestions were heard.

It was noted that both scientific works meet the requirements for obtaining a PhD degree in economics and these works were recommended for defense.

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