Asif Pashayev is the “Employee of the Month” for July at Azerbaijan University

Asif Pashayev is the “Employee of the Month” for July at Azerbaijan University

01 august 2018

Baxış sayı: 5101

Dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies Asif Pashayev was elected as the “Employee of the Month” for July. Dean’s ability to demonstrate high competence, professionalism, responsibility and accuracy, and organizational skills were taken into account in the election.

“Employee of the Month” has been rewarded by the administration.

Asif Farman Pashayev graduated from Baku State University majoring Applied Mathematics in 1996. He started his labour career as an engineer-programmer at the National Aviation Academy. Mr,Pashayev has been working at Azerbaijan University since 2012. He is a dean of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies.

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