Republican conference “Long-term development and actual problems of the humanities” has finished

Republican conference “Long-term development and actual problems of the humanities” has finished

24 october 2019

Baxış sayı: 3050

The republican scientific conference held at the Azerbaijan University on the topic: “Long-term development and actual problems of the humanities”, ended after the meetings of the departments. The event dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev coming to power in Azerbaijan began with a listening to the National Anthem. Before the opening of the event in the lobby of the university, in front of the bust of the national leader, they laid a basket with flowers and respected his memory.

The conference with an introductory speech was opened by the Vice-Rector for Science, Professor of the University Yusif Gasimov. The Vice-Rector welcomed the participants and guests of the conference, informing in his speech about the relevance and importance of this event.

The guests of the conference were: Vice-Rector for Student Relations of the Azerbaijan State Economic University Saadat Gandilova, Dean of the Department of Social Sciences and Psychology of Baku State University Hikmet Alizade, representative of the executive branch of the city of Ganja, winner of the Presidential Science Prize Elnur Hasanov, they made a speech and wished success to this event. Then we listened to the plenary report of Professor Gorkhmaz Guliyev on the topic: “Composition and reader: the problem of communication”.

After the opening and plenary session, the conference continued its work in the field of linguistics and literature, history, economics, social sciences.

The aim of the conference is a long-term development strategy and discussion in this direction of the problems facing the humanities.

Public Relations Department