Life-changing English training was held at Azerbaijan University

Life-changing English training was held at Azerbaijan University

08 april 2021

Baxış sayı: 1996

The training entitled “ Life-changing English” was organized by the Department of Foreign Languages of Azerbaijan University and Fred's English International English Language Center. The training was organized by Firdovsi Karimov on the Microsoft Teams platform for students majoring in translation and philology (English).

Firdovsi Karimov informed the students about the ways to acquire language skills and the activities of conversation clubs. He stressed the importance of the TOEFL and IELTS programs, which confirm the English language at the international level. He said that a foreign language can play an important role in the success of any person in life.

The guest said he was pleased to convey the truth about Azerbaijan to the world during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and gave his recommendations to students.

The training discussed the benefits of English language skills to succeed at the international level and represent Azerbaijan in the world.

The event ended with discussions on the topic.

Public Relations Department