Azerbaijan University has developed an action plan for “A Year of Nasimi”

Azerbaijan University has developed an action plan for “A Year  of Nasimi”

08 february 2019

Baxış sayı: 4405

President Ilham Aliyev has declared 2019 as a Year of Nasimi in our country on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Imadeddin Nasimi. A number of events are planned to be held at Azerbaijan University on this remarkable event.

According to the action plan, scientific articles and the results of the researches on Nasimi's literary heritage will be published in the scientific journal of the University "Ipak yolu" and the corporate journal "Caglayan".

Lectures on Nasimi's life and creativity, literary and artistic nights, competitions and Olympiads will be organized with the participation of students, and meetings with students and scholars who studies Nasimi’s heritage will be held during the year.

It is planned to organize round tables and seminars dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the poet, to organize book exhibitions reflecting his artistic heritage, to create "Imadeddin Nasimi Auditorium" at the university within the framework of the action plan.

Public Relations Department