The three-day international event starts at Azerbaijan University today

The three-day international event starts at Azerbaijan University today

25 april 2019

Baxış sayı: 3161

Today, the 3-day international congress is being held at Azerbaijan University. The fifth event of the European Economic Congress series is jointly held with Kocaeli University of Turkey and WSB University of Poland.

The university administration and the international staff are expected to visit the Alley of Honor in the morning.

The registration will be held from 09.00a.m. till 10.00a.m. The opening ceremony will begin with a welcoming speech of Rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva at 10.00a.m.

Speeches of MPs, representatives of congress co-organizers Kocaeli and WSB universities, representatives of research institutes are planned at the opening ceremony of the event.

The reports of the visiting lecturers as Academician Ziyad Samadzadeh, Professor of Oldenburg University Hans-Michael Trautwein, Professor of Spanish Extremadura University Rui Alexandre Castanho, Professor of Roma Tre University Roberto Ciccone, Professor of the Polish Meteorology and Water Management Institute Tomasz Kasprowicz will be listened at the plenary session.

After the break, the event will continue in sections.

About 100 reports on actual problems of modern economics of the authors representing 13 countries are expected to be listened in the sections of the congress that will last for 3days.

We wish the event a great success.

Public Relations Department