World Social Work Day was celebrated at Azerbaijan University

World Social Work Day was celebrated at Azerbaijan University

17 march 2017

Baxış sayı: 4684

An event dedicated to World Social Work Day was held at Azerbaijan University. The representatives of Azerbaijan Social Work Association, the members of local and international organizations which are operating in the field of social work and social services, foreign guests, university teachers and students attended the event which was organized by the School of Social Work with support of the "Ireli" Public Union.

The participants were informed about the Social Work specialty, its formation as a profession and its successful organization. The video was shown in the event. It was noted that Azerbaijan University has an exceptional role and great achievements in the field of social work training.

"Azerbaijan University is aware of corporate social responsibility" project was presented to the participants at the event. It was reported that 3 young people with physical challenges will be trained as a "listener student" at Azerbaijan University for 3 semesters. The aim is to achieve the improvement of life quality of young people with physical challenges by increasing their English language, computer and accounting knowledge and skills. The Faculty has cooperated with UAFA (United Aid for Azerbaijan) in the process of selection of the youth with physical challenges.

A Member of the Supervisory Board of the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan Republic, a Chairman of "Ireli" Public Union - Mirhasan Seyidov, the pro-rector of Azerbaijan University - Agamali Agamaliyev, the dean of the School of Social Work - Aygun Musayeva,  the Deputy Chairman of Social Work Association - Gulnare Panahova spoke about the essence of the World Social Work Day, congratulated social workers on the occasion of their professional holiday and expressed their heartfelt words.

The speakers noted that World Social Work Day was established in order to demonstrate the profession's contribution to the society development through the “We are there, we want you to be there too” message to the world, and this year's slogan is defined as "Let’s develop the society and protect the environment".

Examples of art covering the work area of social problems were shown at the event. The students of Social Work - Yasin Babullazadə and Meltem Jahangirzade performed songs in the rap style. A group of students performed the spectacle about the consequences of early marriages.                                                                                        


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