A meeting with the National Poet Vahid Aziz was held at the Azerbaijan University

A meeting with the National Poet Vahid Aziz was held at the Azerbaijan University

22 november 2019

Baxış sayı: 3988

A meeting with the National Poet Vahid Aziz was held at the Azerbaijan University. At the meeting, which was attended by Rector Saadat Aliyeva, the attendants were informed about the guest’s creativity and the congratulations were expressed on the honorory title "People's Poet of the Republic of Azerbaijan" by the staff of the Azerbaijan University, that was awarded by the state in May.

The event began with a composition of poetic pieces performed by university students majoring in Philology. Farana Mikayilova, Aytakin Kerimova, Elnura Javadova, Solmaz Kalbaliyeva, Leyla Najafova, Mohammad Azadov, Samir Shukurov, Narmin Eminova, Sarvan Aliyev, Gunel Efendiyeva, Telly Abbasli recited the poems "There is some one in my life", "Whim," “My Darling”,"There is a secret of the mountains where the thyme bleeds", "I have so much to do with life", "Don't Wish Me A hundred Years", "Don’t tell Me Lies", "Don’t Grieve My Yellow Flower", "Citizen", "I Can't keep offensive with you", “My Lord”.

People’s poet Vahid Aziz, who was invited to the stage, said he appreciated the composition of the students and he was very happy with every meeting devoted to his litarary power. Responding to numerous questions about the students’ creativity, Vahid Aziz recited his latest poems for the participants of the event.

The head of the chair of the Azerbaijani language and literature Ulviyya Rahimova, the professor of the chair Asif Hajiyev, the teacher of the chair Farhad Madatov spoke about the various aspects of the national poet's creativity and emphasized his special place in the poetry of Azerbaijan. The guest of the event, young singer Ayan Tohidi sang songs composed by Vahid Aziz.

The event ended with the presentation of a commemorative plaque to the guest by the rector of the university, Saadat Aliyeva, and took a photo.

Public Relations Department