A commemorative event dedicated to the Khojaly genocide was held at Azerbaijan University

A commemorative event dedicated to the Khojaly genocide was held  at Azerbaijan University

25 february 2021

Baxış sayı: 1782

A commemorative event dedicated to the 29th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide was held at Azerbaijan University. At the event, organized in an online format in accordance with the extreme situation, the memory of the victims of the genocide was commemorated and it was expressed confidence that the war criminals who committed the Khojaly genocide would be brought to justice in an international court.

Vice-Rector for Science Yusif Gasimov noted that the people of Azerbaijan proudly commemorate the victims of the Khojaly genocide this year, along with feelings of sorrow and grief. The victory of the 44-day Patriotic War proved that our people are able to restore justice when the time comes, and to take revenge on the battlefield.

The vice-rector said that the Khojaly genocide would always go down in history. It should not be erased from memory. Since the residents of Khojaly, who survived that bloody night - the witnesses of the genocide - live with fragments of their spiritual and physical wounds. Those who forget the past will have to live it again.

In his speech, Boran Aziz, professor of the Department of Social Sciences, said that the civilian population of Khojaly was deliberately subjected to genocide simply because they were Azerbaijanis, and he emphasized the role of the 366th Regiment in the tragedy of the century. Boran Aziz said that the analysis of the events proves that the genocide was planned in advance, and it was an act of genocide and a war crime carried out from a single center. Khojaly is not the first crime of the occupiers, it cannot be considered an overnight incident. It is a continuation of the tragedies of Meshali, Malibeyli, Aghdaban, Garadagli and an integral part of the purposeful policy of genocide. The customer is Russia, and the executor is the Armenian armed forces.

Head of the Department of Social Sciences Gabil Aliyev spoke about the importance of international recognition of the Khojaly genocide, and he informed about the strategic goals of the international propaganda campaign "Justice for Khojaly" implemented since 2008 on the initiative of Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva, the work done within the campaign and the results achieved.

At the end, first-year students were shown a film dedicated to the Khojaly genocide.

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