A meeting was held with newly admitted and current doctoral students of Azerbaijan University

A meeting was held with newly admitted and current doctoral students of Azerbaijan University

28 september 2022

Baxış sayı: 8600

A meeting with young scientists and researchers admitted to doctoral studies and dissertation studies was held at Azerbaijan University. At the introductory event, Nushaba Guliyeva, director of the International Master's and Doctorate Center, congratulated the doctoral students and wished them success in their future scientific activities.

Later, Ph.D. students were informed about their duties and rights during their studies. Furthermore, information such as requirements for the dissertation, presentation and defense of the dissertation, scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, organization of work with doctoral students and dissertations at the university, and assistance in conducting research work was conveyed at the event.

In the end, Ph.D. students’ questions were answered.

Public Relations Department