The 2022/2023 academic year starts at Azerbaijan University

The 2022/2023 academic year starts at Azerbaijan University

15 september 2022

Baxış sayı: 8656

The 2022/2023 academic year has started at Azerbaijan University today. Classes of the fall semester are organized in the traditional form.

The first lessons are devoted to the "Karabakh is Azerbaijan" theme. The information about the large-scale provocation committed by the Armenian armed forces in Dashkasan, Kalbajar, Lachin, and Zangilan directions of the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border on the night of September 12 and the morning of September 13 was given during the lesson. The memory of 50 officers and soldiers, including 42 from the Azerbaijan Army and 8 from the State Border Service, who was martyred while preventing the provocation, was commemorated with a one-minute silence.

Deans, heads of departments, and tutors informed first-year students about the teaching process, the university's internal procedural rules, lecture and seminar classes, use of the library, organization of exams, and opportunities created for students.

Notable, this year admissions were made to Azerbaijan University in 3 faculties and 23 specialties at the bachelor, and in 9 specialties and 20 specializations at the master's degree. 

Public Relations Department