The appointment of a new dean at Azerbaijan University

The appointment of a new dean at Azerbaijan University

14 august 2018

Baxış sayı: 5256

Ali Hasanov, adviser to the rector of Azerbaijan University was appointed to the post of the dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at Azerbaijan University.

We congratulate Mr. Hasanov on this appointment and wish him success in his administrative and scientific-pedagogical activity!

Ali Nazim Hasanov was born in Baku in 1988. He conferred his bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Gas-Petroleum and Mining of the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in 2008, and received his master's degree from the Finance Department of the Azerbaijan State Economic University in 2013 with honors.

He did his military service in 2008-2009.

In 2009 he worked as a trainer-teacher at the Specialized Children's Youth Sports Chess School No. 1 in Baku.

He worked as a senior specialist in the Personnel and Training Department of the Ministry of Taxes in 2010-2011; Deputy Head of the Apparatus of the Ministry of Taxes - Head of the Chancellery and archive in 2011-2014; the First Deputy Chief of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Taxes in 2014-2015; Head of Apparatus of the Ministry of Taxes from September 2015 to May 2016; Head of the Training Center of the Ministry of Taxes from May 18, 2016 to March 6, 2018. He was in Special rank of Tax Service Advisor.

He is a member of the Board of Directors of AFAM GROUP LLC since March 7, 2018.

Ali Hasanov also works part-time as a scientific and pedagogical adviser to the rector of Azerbaijan University and at the same time he is a postgraduate student of the University.

During his tenure at the Ministry of Taxes, he was a member of the Board of the Ministry and Appeal Board, Deputy Chair of the Employment Advisory Commission and the Teaching and Methodological Council. He has repeatedly represented the Ministry at international events and conferences in Human Resources and Education sector.

Long- and short-term trainings have been provided to newly recruited employees and experienced professionals on the above mentioned areas by him.

He is one of the authors of the book "Tax Administration" published by the Training Center of the Ministry of Taxes and used by the Ministry of Education as a textbook in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

He was awarded the Medal "For Distinction in Civil Service" of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 9, 2015 № 1038.

He is married.

Public Relations Department