207 students of Azerbaijan University participated in the subject of Digital Citizenship of the Turkish World

207 students of Azerbaijan University participated in the subject of Digital Citizenship of the Turkish World

02 august 2022

Baxış sayı: 1127

"Turkish World Service Certificate" was presented to 207 students of Azerbaijan University participating in the Turkish World Digital Citizenship subject, coordinator of the issue at Azerbaijan University, Tunzala Verdiyeva, and Yusif Gasimova, vice-rector for scientific affairs. The signed document by the rector of the Amasya University of Turkey, professor Suleyman Elmacı, who teaches the subject of Digital Citizenship of the Turkish World remotely in the spring semester of the 2021/2022 academic year.

The subject teaches within the "Turkish World Digital Citizenship" (TUDVA) project. Kyrgyz-Turkey "Manas" University and the Gaziantep University of Turkey coordinated the project "Turkish World Digital Citizenship" has taught it as an elective subject for two semesters in partner universities. The hosted project by Kyrgyzstan-Turkey "Manas" University in the fall semester of the 2021/2022 academic year and Amasya University in the spring semester.

Azerbaijan University joined the "Digital Citizenship of the Turkish World" project in 2021. Thirty students in the autumn semester and 207 students in the spring semester joined the classes organized on the "Zoom" platform.

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