An event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Azerbaijan University was held

An event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Azerbaijan University was held

18 march 2022

Baxış sayı: 1497

An anniversary event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Azerbaijan University was held. A film about the development of the university was shown at the event, and a group of employees of the university were awarded.

The event was opened by the rector of the university Saadat Aliyeva. He thanked everyone who contributed their knowledge, talent and work to the establishment and development of the Azerbaijan University.

After the rector's speech, a documentary film on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the University of Azerbaijan was shown to the participants of the event. In the film, Rector Saadat Aliyeva looks at the work done over the past five years and the successes of the university, and talks about the goals and objectives for the next period. In the documentary, the rectors who headed the university in different years, prof. Salahaddin Khalilov, prof. Akif Musayev, prof. Farahim Sadigov, docent Memories and congratulatory messages of Eldar Gahramanov are brought to the attention of the university administration and staff, facts and photos from the history of the university are presented.

After the screening, a group of teachers and members of the administrative staff who have served the University of Azerbaijan for many years were awarded honorary diplomas and letters of appreciation by the rector.

At the end of the day, a Novruz holiday table was opened for university employees.

It should be noted that the Azerbaijan University, which laid the foundation of private higher education in our country, has been operating for 30 years. The 30th anniversary of the university was celebrated with various events in accordance with the pandemic.

Public Relations Department