Two students of Azerbaijan University are to study spring semester in Germany

Two students of Azerbaijan University are to study spring semester in Germany

16 january 2017

Baxış sayı: 4607

 Two more students of the School of Business and Economics of Azerbaijan Univerity will study in Koblenz University, Germany in spring semester. Seymur Garamollayev (third year, Marketing, BBA) and Novruz Muradov (Finance, MBA) will be visiting the country through participation in “Erasmus+” exchange program. 

During the period of studies, the students will be provided with scholarship (800 euros per month) as well as travel expenses (500 euros). Credits received by students in the University of Koblenz will be appropriately recognized by Azerbaijan University. 

Those interested in opportunities to study abroad and get scholarship should contact International Relations Department located on the fourth floor of Building 1. 

Tel: (+99412) 431 50 36 (direct)
(+99412) 431 41 12/13/16/17 (131)

Public Relations Department