An international congress co-organized by Azerbaijan University has been held in Turkey

An international congress co-organized by Azerbaijan University has been held in Turkey

18 november 2018

Baxış sayı: 3621

The 4th European Economic Congress, held in Kocaeli, Turkey, co-organized by Azerbaijan University has been completed. Organizers of the event are Kocaeli University and WSB University in Poland.

130 researchers from 16 countries attended the prestigious international event held on November 15-17. 80 lectures on actual problems of modern economy were listened and discussions were held in this direction.

Azerbaijan University was represented by the delegation led by Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Yusif Gasimov in the conference.

Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Economics Nariman Boyukkishi and senior teacher of the department Ruhangiz Aliyeva made a report at the session. The lecturer Nariman Boyukkishi's report on "Economic potential of Azerbaijan's petrochemical engineering" studies the problems of assessment of existing economic potential in the construction enterprises and suggests ways to increase the efficiency of use, and proposals are being made to improve the production and economic activity of oil refineries in Azerbaijan.

Ruhangiz Alieva's report on the "Current State of Employment in Azerbaijan" examines the main objectives of the macroeconomic policy in promoting employment opportunities in addressing the employment needs of the able-bodied people, analyzing the impacts of productive forces effectively in the country in order to ensure a high level of employment, as well as relevant proposals to increase employment in Azerbaijan. Another author of the article is Qatiba Najafova, the senior teacher of the department.

Rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva is one of the honorary chairmen of the organizing committee. Vice-rector on Scientific Affairs Yusif Gasimov and Professor of the University Rovshan Guliyev are the members of the scientific committee of the event, Dean of the School of Business and Economics Ali Hasanov, Head of Science Department Latifa Agamaliyeva and associate professor of Finance and Economics Department Nariman Boyukkishi are the members of the organizing committee.

It should be noted that the European Economic Congress is planned to be held at Azerbaijan University in 2019.

Public Relations Department