Teachers and students of Azerbaijan University participated in the presentation ceremony of the “Unudulmazlar” website

Teachers and students of Azerbaijan University participated in the presentation ceremony of the “Unudulmazlar” website

01 november 2022

Baxış sayı: 6305

The teachers of the department of organization of social work, professor, and doctor of legal sciences Mayis Aliyev and Ulvi Aliyev, together with students who are studying for master's degrees in social work and youth work in various fields of life, created the " Unudulmazlar” (Unforgettables) website by order of the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population and participated in the presentation ceremony of the mobile application. The main goal of the site is to better introduce and keep in mind our heroes who rose to the top of martyrdom in the battles for the territorial integrity of our country, and people with disabilities due to the Patriotic War.

Vugar Behbudov, chairman of the board of the agency, made a speech at the event, which was attended by deputies and representatives of non-governmental organizations, and said that after the 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with the great Victory of our Army under the leadership of the Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, on the instructions of the head of state, the families of martyrs and war veterans a large-scale social support program is being implemented.  Within the framework of the program, 243,000 support-oriented services have already been provided to 119,000 people. In particular, 4,000 apartments and private houses were given to families of martyrs and people with war-related disabilities.

Later, Elman Mammadov, the father of the brothers Iman and Bahram Mammadov, martyrs of the Patriotic War, made a speech and emphasized the importance of this project. He noted that this site and mobile application have an important role in introducing the brave sons of the Motherland to society, in informing the public about their bravery-rich warpath, and in conveying their heroism to future generations.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Professor Mayis Aliyev drew attention to the importance of the project for gene researchers and emphasized that the project will serve to introduce our heroes both within the country and abroad.

Note that the website presents tweets written by the President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev during the war, information about the life and battle path of our martyrs, people with war-related disabilities, photos and videos, awards, and family members. It is also possible to search by name, surname, patronymic, and other criteria. Anyone can download the site from IOS and Android systems.

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