Undergraduates of Azerbaijan University received the highest level of PTE certification

Undergraduates of Azerbaijan University received the highest level of PTE certification

02 september 2020

Baxış sayı: 2677

The undergraduates of Azerbaijan University in 2020 have successfully passed the PTE (Pearson Test of English) exam and recieved the highest level of international language certification. This indicator is the "Advanced" level (level-4) of the certificate and is equal to C1 = IELTS 7.5 or TOEFL 102-109 on the equivalence of international exams. The cost of trainings and exams was covered by Azerbaijan University.

Successful graduates Nijat Zeynalov and Elimkhan Aliyev graduated from the Faculty of Business and Economics with a specialty in Finance in English. Elimkhan Aliyev showed a high result in the exam and received a higher certificate (pass with merit). The certificates were presented to the graduates by head of the Foreign Languages Department Samira Mammadova.

Nijat Zeynalov chose Italy for his master's degree. Elimkhan Aliyev, who is the second in the country with 93 points according to the results of the master's degree entrance exam, will continue his education at Azerbaijan University.

It should be noted that PTE (Pearson Test of English) is one of the most popular certificates of English language proficiency at the international level, along with IELTS and TOEFL. Azerbaijan University has been approved as the PTE examination sub-center. The University has the right to organize trainings and exams for this certificate.

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