Article of the Azerbaijan University`s teacher in the Russian edition

Article of the Azerbaijan University's teacher in the Russian edition

29 march 2018

Baxış sayı: 4044

Materials of II International Scientific-Practical Conference on the subject of "Innovative Economy and Management: Methods and Technologies", held at Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov, have recently been published. The collection included a lecture by dos. Nariman Boyukishi, the Head of the Finance and Economy Department of the Azerbaijan University on the subject of "Technoparks are innovative development tool of Azerbaijan's economy" heard at the plenary session of the conference.

Current issues of innovative development of the economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan are widely covered in the report, the role of technoparks in economic development, perspectives of its creation and improvement of their activity was highlighted in the lecture. The author notes that innovation processes and government support play a crucial role in the innovation process and accelerate the innovation process in the country. To this end, it is necessary to prioritize innovation, personnel training, financial and legal support, and stimulate the functioning of technoparks.

The issues highlighted in the report - the experience gained in shaping the innovative economy in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the experience of creating and operating techno parks were met with great interest by the conference participants.

Our lecturer was also awarded a certificate of attendance of the conference.

Public Relations Department

Article of the Azerbaijan University's teacher in the Russian edition