Vice-rector Yusif Gasimov has been appointed co-editor-in-chief of a special edition of “Entropy” journal

Vice-rector Yusif Gasimov has been appointed co-editor-in-chief of a special edition of “Entropy” journal

03 june 2020

Baxış sayı: 3033

Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of Azerbaijan University Prof. Yusif Gasimov has been appointed co-editor-in-chief of the special issue Entropy and Its Applications across Disciplines of the journal Entropy.

Entropy is published by MDPI, one of the world's most influential scientific publications. The publishing house publishes more than 250 scientific journals in various fields. Most of these journals, are included in the Calrivate Analytics Web of Science database, and more that 50 of them have high impact factor. The journal Entropy with an impact factor of 2,419, is one of the most influential publications in its topic.

The purpose of publishing special issues of well-known scientific journals in certain scientific fields is usually to publish the latest scientific results of the world's most famous scientists in these fields. Well-known scientists are invited as editors-in-chief of such publications.

Information about the special edition can be found at this link

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