The rector of Azerbaijan University visited Egyptian Cultural Center

The rector of Azerbaijan University visited Egyptian Cultural Center

19 february 2018

Baxış sayı: 7191

The rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva was the guest of the Egyptian Center for Cultural and Educational Relations within the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Azerbaijan. Implementation of joint events and educational projects between the Center and Azerbaijan University was discussed in the meeting.

The head of the Center Ahmed Sami Elaydi gave information about the history of the organization and its activities in Azerbaijan. It was noted that the center has been operating for 20 years and plays an important role in the improvement of scientific, educational and cultural relations between the two countries.

Rector Saadat Aliyeva noted that the university she leads attaches great importance to establishing and expanding multidimensional international relations, conducts teacher and student exchange and implements joint projects. The rector thanked the head and the staff of the center for their contribution to the development of friendly relations between Egypt and Azerbaijan.

Later, Ahmed Sami Elaydi introduced the conference hall, auditoriums, library and mobile exhibition materials to the university staff. It was noted that more than 10,000 books were collected in the library fund of the center in Arabic, Azerbaijani and English languages. Books have been e-cataloged and were given into the usage of the students.

The meeting ended with a presentation of the video rolic on Egypt tourism.

Public Relations Department