Students of Azerbaijan University will receive “Azercell” scholarships

Students of Azerbaijan University will receive “Azercell” scholarships

12 february 2021

Baxış sayı: 2677

Students of Azerbaijan University who took part in the Patriotic War - Togrul Karimov (Computer Engineering, I course) and Javid Valiyev (Information Technology, I course) will receive scholarships within the "Student Scholarship" program of Azercell Telecom. Students will receive a scholarship of 200 manat per month until the end of their studies.

For more than 10 years, the Student Scholarship Program implemented by Azercell Telecom has been providing scholarships to students with higher education and high performance in many fields, as well as information technology. This year, unlike previous years, it was decided to support students who took part in the battles for the freedom of our lands, leaving their education unfinished during the 44-day Patriotic War.

Along with Baku, 23 students studying information technology and network-oriented specialties from various universities in the regions were selected for the scholarship program. Along with bachelors, there are also young people studying for master's degrees.

Public Relations Department