Azerbaijan University is represented at the Liv Bona Dea Hospital event

Azerbaijan University is represented at the Liv Bona Dea Hospital event

05 december 2022

Baxış sayı: 7623

Azerbaijan University was represented in the “Love Knows No Barriers” charity action organized by Liv Bona Dea Hospital on the occasion of the “December 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities”. The event was attended by Tunzala Verdieva, the head of the Social Work Organization Department.  

At the event, which was attended by guests from Turkey along with representatives of local structures, the topic of the Turkish-Azerbaijani brotherhood was particularly emphasized. Bahar Muradova, Chairman of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Issues, noted that in the world, including in Azerbaijan, rehabilitation and health of disabled people, especially children with physical disabilities, the solution to certain problems are under the control of state and private structures. Liv Bona Dea Hospital General Director Taner Ozbek pointed out that the Hospital has joined this noble initiative under the slogan “Two States, One Nation” for the fourth time. Taner Ozbek said that the rehabilitation of children with special needs, their participation in all spheres of public life, as well as the creation of equal opportunities in society for children of this category is one of the main priorities of Liv Bona DEA Hospital.

As part of the campaign, 130 children were examined, and 100 units of winter clothing were presented to children from low-income families.

Public Relations Department