Azerbaijan University has joined NCURA South Caucasus and Ukraine Initiative

Azerbaijan University has joined  NCURA South Caucasus and Ukraine Initiative

20 november 2023

Baxış sayı: 423

Azerbaijan University has joined  NCURA South Caucasus and Ukraine Initiative. In cooperation with the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA), Business and Technology University (BTU), Georgia has established NCURA South Caucasus and Ukraine Initiative!

The National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA), founded in 1959, is a non-profit professional society dedicated to advancing the profession of research administration through education and professional development programs, the sharing of knowledge and experiences, and the fostering of a diverse, collegial, and respected global community. NCURA has over 7,500 members from 40 countries. NCURA's purpose is to serve all members by advancing expertise in the profession of research administration

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