Presentation of the social video “Appreciate your life” took place at Azerbaijan University

Presentation of the social video “Appreciate your life” took place at Azerbaijan University

18 october 2023

Baxış sayı: 297

Presentation of the social video “Appreciate your life” prepared by the Youth Anti-Drug Addiction Public Union was held at Azerbaijan University.

Speaking at the event, the chairman and project manager of the Public Union, Bullur Mammadova, informed the students about essence of the project. The project manager noted that the purpose of creating a social video “Appreciate your life” is to strengthen the work to promote the fight against drug addiction in our society, especially among the younger generation, inform young people about the risks they may face, protect them from this scourge and further strengthen their motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Then the social video “Appreciate your life” prepared with support of the Agency for State Support to NGOs of the Republic of Azerbaijan was demonstrated.

Then Kamran Mayilov, the Chief Operational Officer of the Main Directorate for Combating Drugs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, spoke about the achievements in the fight against drug addiction, the problems encountered, the contributions that young people can make in this field. Shahin Ismaylov, an employee of the State Commission on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs, made a presentation on the risk factors of drug use, the properties of psychoactive substances and their harmful effects on health, the stages of drug addiction formation, the importance of anti-drug propaganda, methods of combating drug addiction. Saleh Aslanov, consultant of the Department of Organization of Religious Education of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations, spoke about the role of national and moral values in the fight against drug addiction.

After the presentation, the students were presented with the necessary propaganda materials called “Know the truth about drugs”, “The truth about marijuana” and “The truth about psychotropic substances”. At the end, students' questions were answered.

The event was also attended by Zaur Safarov, operational commissioner of the State Customs Committee, and Nigar Shahhuseynbayova, head of the Department of Social Work Organization of Azerbaijan University.

Public Relations Department