ECAR project Awareness Day held at Azerbaijan University

Awareness Day was held for the University staff as part of the “Establishment of the Conference of Rectors in Azerbaijan” (ECAR) project, which is a partner of Azerbaijan University. At the event, the University staff participating in the project shared with the heads of structural divisions the experience and information they gained during their trips abroad. 

The event provided information about the essence and goals of the project, expected results, discussed the results of trainings and meetings held within the country and abroad, as well as the activities of the committees created under the project. 

It should be noted that coordinator of international project, carried out with financial support of the European Commission, is Baku Business University. The main objective of the project is to develop a national network and cooperation between universities and other stakeholders through creation of a conference of rectors in accordance with national development strategies. 20 higher education institutions and organizations from Azerbaijan and 5 from Europe participate in the project. 

Public Relations Department