Doctoral student and dissertator of Azerbaijan University received a PhD degree

Doctoral student and dissertator of Azerbaijan University received a PhD degree

02 june 2023

Baxış sayı: 630

By the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission (HAC) under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the doctoral student of Azerbaijan University Khumar Valiyaddin gizi Abdullayeva was awarded the Ph.D. degree in the specialty World Literature (English literature) in the field of Philological Sciences; and the dissertator of Azerbaijan University Narmina Vagif gizi Gasimova was awarded the Ph.D. degree in the General Philosophy specialty in the field of Philosophy.

At the events held at the High Attestation Commission, our doctoral student and dissertator were awarded the appropriate diplomas.

On behalf of the staff of Azerbaijan University, we congratulate them on this occasion and wish them new successes in their future scientific activities!

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